07531 769 944

a wee bit more social.




I know Social Media can be overwhelming when you’ve got so many other things to do like trying to run your business and so you just end up posting an about me post, or an image of your product. 

Thats why I work with business owners to enable them to feel more confident about what they are posting and why. 

I am a social media marketer based in Edinburgh, but through the power of zoom I can work with you wherever you are based. 

I create packages to suit ALL budgets and I offer payment plans for small business owners. 

Promoting your business online doesnt have to be a stressful chore, its just about knowing what to do, how to do it and creating a plan to follow that makes it easy and dare I say it, fun! 

Book a free wee chat to tell me about your business and lets get started.. 


do you want to bring more of You to your content?

I know it can be a struggle to show up online if you’re not an extrovert, it can feel weird, cringe & just not you, I get it.

But showing up and bringing the personality doesn’t have to be painful, in fact there are ways you can show your personality without showing your face OR dancing!

Download this free guide and find out how today

5 way to bring more you to your content PDF guide - thumbnail

The Wee Social Mission

My aim is to help you bring more of what makes you amazing to your Instagram & LinkedIn profiles to really help you stand out from the crowd and set you apart from others in your industry.  Have more fun with it, be more confident and not be afraid to show the real you and whats important to you as a brand, its your superpower!  It doesnt matter if your a “technophobe” or you feel like you’re doing ok on Instagram or LinkedIn just not “smashing it” sometimes all it takes is a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective. 


All the wee services

I love my work and it gives me the opportunity to work with some of the most creative, amazing businesses and super talented, really inspirational people, not just locally but thanks to tech – anywhere in the UK.

Social media is a brilliant way to connect with your customers and find out what they want, but so often I find business owners are not confident with how to approach it and often too scared to have a bit of fun with it, but that’s what I’m all about, I want to bring the fun back to social!  

Which is why I would love to show you how to streamline a social media plan that works for you, but also makes you feel confident and communicate to your community just what you and your brand is all about, but also to achieve real results. 

Below is a list of ways I can help you with your social media marketing, whether that be with a social media audit, consultation and training, perhaps you just want a little bit of help with social media strategy, or perhaps you want to hand over the whole thing and are looking for social media management! Get in touch and lets get started. 

Linkedin & Instagram like a boss!

Learn how to use Instagram & LinkedIn to effectively market your business, learn all aspects of a social media marketing strategy and how to put them in place for your business.
No more “just posting”
includes monthly catch up coaching sessions.

getting reel with video  

If you haven’t started using vertical video as part of your marketing strategy for your business you need to start!

Get confident with video content and how to utilise reels in the best possible way for your business, no pointing or dancing I promise!

Also includes creative ideas for your business and 2 catch up accountability sessions to keep you on track.

wtf coaching & accountability

I find an hour just isnt enough to really get through all of your questions and really make a difference with your planning, content and reels chat so Ive created coaching sessions in blocks of 3 or 6 months. 

We meet once a month for 90 minutes to really make a big change in your content, designed to answer all your questions, help you to feel more confident & consistent with your planning, keep you accountable & provide the cheerleading and motivation to KEEP you on track. 

full strategy & content strategy 

A social media marketing strategy for your business with all the hard work done for you.

This is a clear, concise plan for your business ready for you to follow to achieve social media success!

If you just want a little help with a content strategy only, no problem, I can do that too! 

Both include 2 follow up sessions to keep you on track afterwards. 

what they say 

I had a session with Marti for social media for my business and it was so much fun! Marti is so lovely, down to earth and really funny. She made me feel at ease and listened to what o needed help with. The training was really informative and I learnt so many tips and ways to work my social media for my business. Marti has a wealth of knowledge in social media and I am so happy I chose her as a coach.
