07531 769 944

wtf Coaching & Accountability sessions  


Are you lacking enthusiasm and creativity and someone to get you going on the right track and keep you motivated. 

Are you stuck on content?
Hashtags? Content Pillars? Maybe you’ve got no idea when it comes to collabs?

Or when it comes to creating content and keeping up with what you should be doing is all just a bit WTF!! 

I find that ongoing support and accountability always works so much better than a one off session and helps to keep you motivated and .. lets face it accountable with a bit of cheerleading and encouragement in your corner. 

So, Ive created WTF coaching & accountability sessions!

3 monthly 90 minute sessions in person or over zoom with me to chat through your content for the upcoming month or anything youre really struggling with just now.

Includes follow up notes with actionable tips to keep you accountable until our next session.

Its like having your own social media marketer / cheerleader / accountability coach on hand all rolled into one. 

Get in touch to find out more!

£200.00 for a one-off 90-minute session £580.00 for 3 monthly 90-minute sessions – paid upfront at booking Small business price 

Get in touch to find out about Retainer packages for monthly consultancy regarding strategy and content creation for social media for teams starting at £350.00 a month. 


what they say

The way Marti explains things is so clear and I had a few ‘a-ha’ moments with her that have made my interaction with social so much easier. If anyone is at a bit of a loss as to what to do or if you just need an MOT for you social then Marti is your lady (and a wonderful and convivial one at that). I can not recommend her highly enough.
