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Bring Back The Sparkle

So you started your own business from your kitchen table, or maybe you have an actual office in which case – well done you!
I still manage to work from a corner of my living room, which is kinda nice actually, I don’t feel shut away and can grab the headphones whenever I need some extra quiet. If you’re like me, you manage to fit your work around school pick up and a little more in the afternoon. Wherever you can really!

I also try to get to some networking events as well as running a networking event 6 times yearly for freelancers like me, the struggle is indeed real! Along with running my own business and working for clients, there’s not a lot of time left and I sometimes feel as though I’m always chasing my tail, never catching up.
But have you ever taken the time to stop – and breathe and just take in the good stuff?

As business owners, and Mama’s – I know there’s a lot of you, it’s sometimes not so easy to appreciate what you have, the confidence to say no to things and the ability to bring back the sparkle! The sparkle in your eye you had when you first envisioned this business and had the initial courage to just go for it! You felt confident and happy and ready to hustle – a term that’s so overused these days, everywhere you look, someone, is “Hustlin”

I’m getting off the track a little here, but all I’m saying is, sometimes it’s good to let go of your 10023,000 long list of things you’ve yet to accomplish and just appreciate that you, young lady are a business owner, you did it, you should shout it to the world, be proud of what you have achieved right up to this very point in time, right now. Yes, there’s still lots to achieve, lots to learn, and you will get to it, but only if you keep hold of that sparkle and remember to let it out every now and then. It’s part of what makes you unique and it’s what keeps you going even on the longest of days when you need lots of wine to get you through.

So, think of this as a small reminder of how amazing you are for achieving what you have achieved thus far, and remember to come back to it every now and then when you need it. Got it? Good! Now get back to work, that list isn’t going to finish itself!