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Why you don’t need to be everywhere at once

I’ve read a lot of information lately from social media professionals saying you need to be visible you need to be on Pinterest, you need to be on Facebook, you need to be doing Linkedin. Well, I consider myself to be a professional, having learnt the art of social media management and started my own business in August of 2016 and I’m here to tell you something.


Do you feel relieved? I do because who in their right mind has the time and inclination to be on every platform posting regular updates, creating content and engaging with people on a regular basis, let’s not even mention a strategy, advertising or analytics. The truth is, the only platform you need to be on is the one that suits your brand and the platform that has your audience. If you’re selling teething bracelets on Etsy and your main customer focus is mums I don’t think Linkedin or Snapchat is the right place for you. Although you could totally smash Snapchat if you really wanted to! But why try?

The first step is to look at your product or service and think about the best way to promote that – if it’s visual than why the hell aren’t you on Instagram? If your demographic is older and your service would be great to start a community maybe Facebook is the answer! It’s simple, look at who you want to talk to and which platform lends itself best to your brand and connect the two! Overall, it’s far better to do one platform really well with an engaged audience and smash it rather than have 3 stagnant platforms just because everyone else is doing it and you want to put the icons on your website.

Because chances are, those profiles will get looked at and if they look a bit tumbleweedy (it IS so a word) then it doesn’t look great really. There’s no shame in not doing everything, after all, FOMO is so 2016! With Facebook rolling out different updates every ten seconds to their newsfeed and brands now panicking about being seen, it’s time to think about quality when it comes to social media, not quantity.

One Response

  1. Sue gill says:

    So with you on this Marti, the platform and content just needed to reflect the unique nature of the business that’s speaking. More please!

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