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The 3 super simple steps to a more effective social media marketing strategy

We all know by now that when it comes to posting online you need to have some sort of plan and purpose for your content. It’s great to add value and show what your business is all about, but equally its great to show personality and how you may be different from your competitors.

It can be overwhelming and in the beginning, feel like a pretty big task, but in my experience, I find the best place to start is to think about what you want to achieve, who you want to speak to and get super specific about these things.

Pretty simple right?

A great way to do it is to think about your funnel, I know there are lots of people who find funnels a bit bleurgh but stay with me. If you aren’t familiar with funnels, put extremely simply you want to try to do 3 things:

1. Make people aware that you exist by posting interesting, creative content that shows what you are about and makes you memorable.

2. Add value & show yourself as an expert by posting case studies, social proof, giving people a reason to follow you by providing tips, updates, basically any valuable information about your industry or your product.

3. Calls to action and converting – Asking (and getting) those people to your website by adding calls to action to your posts and by letting people know how they can work with you.

I mean, it’s a bit more complicated than that and a bit of a longer process but you get the idea!

With me and my content, I have to admit I do tend to focus too much on the first one for my own personal business account and that can be a big mistake. When creating content you really want to have a good balance of different styles of these types of content.

For example, adding testimonials from customers to your Instagram account without showing why people should work with you and building up your awareness, value and expert type posts first. Equally just showing your personality and your amazing products and then smashing into “Buy my stuff” is equally never going to convert.

It’s a bit of a long game, detailed dance, insert your cliche here, but this is just a very basic overview.
With new features popping up all the time on various channels it can help with various areas of content – Hello Reels for personality led type content. If you can create an amazing brand personality led piece followed up by adding value type content you’re on the right track. It’s a fine balance that needs constant tweaking to get just right.

So think about the content you are posting right now, is it too much of one thing and not enough of another?
Are you building up a good bank of value, personality and proof? And if not, why not?